Minggu, 22 November 2015

Electronic Engineering Polytechnic Institute of Surabaya

Hi everyone, long time no see, in this time I wanna share about my education information to you. About where am I studying now, and how about my university or what a kind of my experience on my 1st class in this session.
Back to the topic, now im studying at Electronic Engineering Polytechnic Institute of Surabaya on Multimedia and Broadcasting technology major. But first, I want share to you about my Campus not my major. So, Electronic Engineering Polytechnic Institute of Surabaya ( or you can say as EEPIS or on the local sides knowly as Politeknik Elektronika Negeri Surabaya (PENS ) is a technical institutionstate located on jl .Raya its , keputih , sukolilo surabaya. It serve its community by conducting research to resolve industrial and community problems. PENS  is the only polytechnic who specializes in the field of electrical engineering. Pens also has many achievements especially in robotic as example: 1st place on Division category, Fire Fighting Robot Contest 2014 at Trinity College, Hartford, USA  , 2nd runner  up RoboCup 2014, Sao Paulo, Brazil , Won gold medal the world skills asean competition , on hanoi Vietnam , And even more great again pens capable of winning indonesian robot contest (or KRI) 12 times a row.
Within the sides of course PENS have two types that called as Diploma III and Diploma IV. Diploma III has 5 majors, they are: Electronic Engineering, Telecommunication Engineering, Electro-Industry Engineering, Informatic Engineering and Multimedia Broadcasting Technology. While Diploma IV has 6 major, they are: Electronic Engineering, Telecommunication Engineering, Electro-Industry Engineering, Informatic Engineering, Mechatronic Engineering and Computer Engineering.
As polytechnic with vision ' emerging technology' pens also open a s2 program / pascasarjana first in Indonesia, with two Major are Electronic Engineering, and , Informatic and Computer Engineering.
Not only focus on the academic side , pens also has various units of for student activities (UKM) and the community, as example:  UKM FRENS, UKM MAHETALA, UKM VOLLY, UKM UKKI,  UKM TEATER , SEMUT, and many more.
Maybe this would be enough for introductions me and my college. See you next time

Rabu, 28 Oktober 2015

metodologi desain ( design thinking)

Pada pertemuan minggu lalu kami mendapat tugas tentang design thinking. Pada tahap pertama, kami memasuki tahap interview, pada tahap ini kami diminta untuk mewawancarai klien kami untuk mengetahui spesifikasi keinginan dan kebutuhannya. Lalu, pada tahap selanjutnya kami masuk pada tahap Dig Deeper, di tahap ini kami menggali lebih dalam spesifikasi keinginan dan kebutuhan pada tahap sebelumnya.
Lalu, kami memasuki tahap capture findings. Disini kami membuat kesimpulan apa yang klien kami inginkan dengan rinciannya. Lalu, tahap selanjutnya adalah take a stand, yang lebih men-spesifikasikan kebutuhan klien. Selanjutnya, kami memasuki tahap sketch, disini kami diminta untuk membuat 5 sketsa desain yang berbeda yang memenuhi kriteria dari klien kami.
Pada tahap selanjutnya, klien kami memberi feedback dan solusi tentang kekurangan desain kami. Setelah itu, kami memasuki tahap reflect and generate a new solution, yaitu kami membuat satu design pasti setelah mendapat feedback dan masukan dari klien kami.
Lalu pada tahap berikutnya, mulailah kita memasuki tahap membuat prototype atau jika disini diberi nama build your solution. Dengan menggunakan bahan dan alat seadanya: bufalo, kertas, doubletip, lem, gunting, dll. Mulailah kami membuat sebuah prototype
Kemudian tahap selanjutnya, klien kita memberikan feedback lagi, tentang hasil design prototype kita.
Sekian share dari kami tentang hasil pekerjaan kami dalam matkul metodologi design, kurang lebihnya mohon maaf, terimakasih.

Natasha Savira/ 4103151020 (klien)
Bilqis Firdausiyah Lutfi/ 4103151028 (designer)