Hi everyone, long time no see, in this time I wanna share
about my education information to you. About where am I studying now, and how
about my university or what a kind of my experience on my 1st class
in this session.
Within the sides of
course PENS have two types that called as Diploma III and Diploma IV. Diploma
III has 5 majors, they are: Electronic Engineering, Telecommunication
Engineering, Electro-Industry Engineering, Informatic Engineering and
Multimedia Broadcasting Technology. While Diploma IV has 6 major, they are:
Electronic Engineering, Telecommunication Engineering, Electro-Industry
Engineering, Informatic Engineering, Mechatronic Engineering and Computer
As polytechnic with
vision ' emerging technology' pens also open a s2 program / pascasarjana first
in Indonesia, with two Major are Electronic Engineering, and , Informatic and
Computer Engineering.
Not only focus on the
academic side , pens also has various units of for student activities (UKM) and
the community, as example: UKM FRENS, UKM
TEATER , SEMUT, and many more.
Maybe this would be
enough for introductions me and my college. See you next time